Sunday, March 25, 2018

Just TRY to Stay Clean, Lia.

Easter EggStravaganza

Trying to take just one picture holding hands down the slide. Not effective. 

Oops! Someone forgot shorts under the dress. 

Lia just moves so fast from one thing to the next that I can’t seem to get a picture. 

Cutest Bunny

Green Team


As much as we liked the adventure of Sea World, the girls seem to enjoy a simple day of monkey bars, haircuts, face painting, and yard work just as much. 

Sea World

We enjoyed a full day of Seaworld where we watched four different animal shows and went on some roller coaster rides as well. 

We stopped for some “Nagamaki” just before starting up a late night drive home. 

Austin Barbecue Stop

What’s Spring Break without a bbq food truck stop?

The Greatest Showgirls

The girls had some fun choreographing dances for the Greatest Showman soundtrack. The outfits were stunning. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018


We thought it was going to be super warm for a great boat ride. It turned out to be cooler than we planned, but still fun—and not nearly as cold as NW boating.