Monday, February 26, 2018

Sick Girl

This little one threw up right before lunch and spent most of the day with a fever. Thankfully it was just a little stomach bug, and she just needed some down time and lots of attention—as if she doesn’t get enough of that. 

Movie Night!

Babe’s Birthday Dinner


Breakfast Conversation

L- I want to be a Scuba Diver when I grow up!
Z- Me too! I want to be a Scuba Diver! Is that what you want to be, Gwendolyn?!
G- No, I want to be a donkey. 

What’s the Password

The girls like to stand at the top of the stairs and demand: What’s the password?! 

Some days it’s naked. 

The Salon

Lia kept wanting to host a salon for us where she would curl our hair and wash it in a tub. I talked her into this which was much less painful sounding. 

Air Nene


Valentine’s Day

Mama and Daddy left us with G-Ma on Valentine’s Day so that they could go watch Duke basketball. We all had fun. 

Creating stuff

To say they like making things would be an understatement. And now they have learned some Origami. 


We went for a brisk walk in the sunshine and 30 degree weather with a crazy cold wind. Oops—it looked so nice, but felt pretty miserable. 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Happy Birthday, Max!

Lazy Afternoon

Some days you must have to snuggle up and watch a movie. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Gym

The Lists

These girls have learned that their mom leaves lists for them to do. They make the most of those lists. If we forget a list, Zadie let’s us know and tries to think of what we might put on the list for everyone to do—a little bossy, or just a good manager?

The Littlest