Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017


This girl will snuggle up with anything, anywhere, and anytime. 

Worn Out

Hot Chocolate with Friends

Fun Run - Year 2

The twins had a lot of fun at the Fun Run this year. Gwendolyn had fun on the sidelines, but did not want to run. Last year Lia thought it was not a very fun Fun Run, so it was good to hear that they were more into it this year. 


This was our first attempt at ringlets for the Nutcracker. 

Feliz Cumpleanos

We had lots of fun celebrating Emma’s birthday.

Gwendolyn was not happy about how tough Adriana made this piƱata. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Under the Weather

Happy Halloween

The girls love walking up to houses to doorbells. It almost seems that they like it more than the candy they collect. As soon as we’d leave a door, Gwendolyn would ask “can we go to another house now?” It was a cold evening, but they all last about an hour and a half, even though Zadie was clearly coming down with a cold. They all agreed when it was time to go home around 7:30...and then Lia and Gwendolyn absolutely loved passing out candy.