Saturday, September 9, 2017

Zadie, the other mother

Zadie insists on mothering her baby sister. She tries to carry her places, talks to her in a cooing-type voice, helps her get her shoes on, and holds her hand when she's unsure. Most of the time Gwendolyn goes along, but she clearly communicates when she has had enough--and Zadie's feelings get bruised just a bit. 

"I'm tired as a dolphin." -Lia

It's no wonder she's tired as a dolphin. The girl loves to swim and spends hours in the pool diving under water. 

Nene Bear Cakes

Gwendolyn doesn't get left out much, but she's too young for a few activities (choir and the Nutcracker), so she's had a few extra dates with us. 

She tries so hard to go fast on her scooter...while her big sisters sit like lazy bums in the stroller. 

Gnome Cones

We tried a new BBQ and sno cone place for dinner on our 3-day weekend. Despite 2 ugly falls for Gwendolyn, the girls had a lot of fun playing outside.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

First Day Dresses

G-ma took us shopping for first day of school dresses almost a month ago, and we have worn them several times, but not all at the same time. We finally pulled it together for church today and a good back to school photo.

Not a Bad Plan B

We were supposed to meet some coworkers at the splash pad, but it was closed. Thanks to Hurricane Harvey we've had much cooler weather so Eureka made for a pretty good back up plan. 

The Real Elsa