Monday, August 28, 2017


2 Going on 20

She insisted on holding the door for everyone while we waited to be seated at a restaurant. 

Little Mermaids

This little mermaid swam all the way across the pool without floaties.

Nutcracker Auditions

The big girls auditioned for the Nutcracker. They thought they were just going to a ballet class, but they're excited at the thought of being baby buffoons.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


This stinker is super lovable, but has her days of pure evil. She never goes easy on us and seems to delight in being difficult. 


No Naps?

The twins have adjusted quite well to no naps, but some days long car rides make for a great power nap.

Splash Pad

Swimming Lessons

The girls learned a few new techniques for swimming with lessons from a friend.