Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Our First Weekend in Oregon

The girls have been counting down the days to go to Oregon for over a month. They wasted no time getting extra attention from Grammy. 

They had to make a visit to the carousel on the first (rainy) day.  

The swings must have missed the girls. 

Tea parties were attended. 

Berries were picked.  

Photos were taken.  

Games with the cousins were invented. 
And Lia and Zadie both got sick from all the fun.

But that didn't stop this one from enjoying some sprinkler time. 
And her sisters couldn't just sit and watch her have all the fun. 

And once everyone felt a bit better, they enjoyed a big bubble bath. 
 And Zadie made Grammy's evening. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Pre-Father's Day Meal


Ballet Performance

The girls enjoyed a more consistent ballet class for the last 12 weeks or so. They've improved quite a bit--Zadie can skip now--and ended their season with a performance. 


Girl Parties

When Daddy goes to conferences, we have girl parties replete with Olive Garden, Rainforest Cafe...

Ice cream...
Slumber parties...
And birthday parties. 

Adriana's House

We got to play for 2 days at Adriana's house. 

Lia was really hoping she'd "lose" at this game and get wet.  

The Brady Bunch?
She makes herself right at home. 

Back in the Pool

It took the girls about an hour to catch up to where they were with swimming last year. They were motoring around in no time at all, and love the pool. 

Monday, June 5, 2017