Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lia's Surgery

Lia had her surgery to implant the magnet in her head for the hearing device. She was tough, as usual, and made a great patient. She complied with everything the nurses and doctors asked of her and didn't complain at all. She as especially thrilled that they gave her 2 popsicles during recovery--and likely would have accepted more if they would have offered.
The pediatric surgery center was pretty amazing. There were giant foam blocks in the waiting room, and she got to choose a DVD to watch while she waited to go back to the OR. The warm blankets and lack of waiting time also helped a lot. 

The presents and extra attention were definitely a plus, but having to sit around with "reduced activity" is a bit rough for a 4-year-old who has very little fear (other than the dark and wolves). 
Once we were able to wash her hair, you really can't even see her scar. But then she took two calm steps out of the stroller one day on walk and got a new war wound on her nose. Poor girl can't catch a break. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Ballet Arms


Roller Skating

The girls loved roller skating for the first time ever. They weren't real great at it, but stuck with it and improved a lot over the evening. We thought they'd be tired of falling after 15 minutes or so, but they lasted well over an hour. They were troopers and want to go again. On our way to the skating rink, we ate at Fuddruckers where the girls saw photos of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. This started a 3-day question-fest about what type of people they were, how they were selfish and ugly on the inside, and whether or not each person in the car likes their music. We never thought we'd hear our 4-year-olds talking about Marilyn as if she were their long lost friend--which also brought on a whole conversation about who was alive when she was alive. 


Coloring Easter Eggs

We get a little smarter each year. This year we decided to dye Easter eggs outside and with less clothing. 

Lia Loves Eureka

This girl loves Eureka park. She runs around like she owns the place, chats and learns tricks from new friends, and joins random games of tag. This is her heaven.      

First Grade Field Trip

We got to go with Adriana and the first graders on a field trip to Sharkarosa.