Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tiny Tutus Again

Gwendolyn had her first opportunity to participate in ballet class today. She had been watching her sisters since she was just one month old, so this was an exciting day for her. We got off to a rough start because she did not want to separate, and there was a different teacher than normal--it probably didn't help this teacher had purple hair and inch long hair covering her legs. I can't say I would have reacted very differently. Gwendolyn sat there and just kept saying "mama" for about 5 minutes. When it was time to take turns dancing across the floor, Zadie went out and held her hand. This seemed to do the trick, as she eventually made it all by herself. By the end of class she was happy and convinced that she loved ballet class. Still, she was content to sit and watch during the big girls' class.  




Heading Home

These two are professional travelers, and they are teaching their baby sister well. 
When we got home we were excited to see that Santa had visited our house in Texas. 


Despite some light snow, we made a quick trip to the Carousel before leaving Oregon. 



After the Carousel we had to get Mongolian noodles. This little girl gets every last drop out of her ice cream. 

Reading Together