Thursday, December 28, 2017


These little explorers had a nice morning walk on the beach. They found all sorts of treasures, looked for whales, and did lots of running. 

No Nap?

This girl goes hard all the time. 


We went to the aquarium on a special crab day with our cousins. 


The girls were excited to buy gifts for each other. What a coincidence that they all chose the exact same thing for their sisters. 

New 4-Wheeler

Zadie has been chomping at the bit for an opportunity to ride in the new and improved 4-wheeler. 

Christmas Day

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Plaid

Santa and the Carousel

We made a late visit to Santa this year, and paid for it badly as their wishes were a bit off the list—a Barbie castle for Gwendolyn (ugh) and Ukuleles for the twins.