Saturday, November 26, 2016


We had lovely weather at the Arboreteum this week, and got lucky with some face painting. 

The littlest saw her favorite letter from across the field. She shouted "G!" Not bad for a not-yet-2-year-old.

Movie Night



Eureka was a little bit chilly, but sooo much better than the blazing hot. 





Two Little Turkeys


A Good Night for Dancing



Brave Zadie

Zadie finally mustered up the courage to hold the flag at Awana. The only rule was that we were not allowed to smile at her. :)

Little Magicians

Apparently the girls were inspired by Snoopy's magic tricks that thy saw on Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving. Here they are making G-ma disappear. 




Mama and the big girls enjoyed two different plays on November--Godspell and The Little Mermaid. Both were phenomenal, but I think the girls actually preferred Godspell because of the music, even though most of the content was way beyond them.

Fun Run

The girls got to participate in the Fun Run at Mama's school. They were excited and dancing before it began. 

Gwendolyn was our youngest runner. 
Lia started strong, but after a few laps she concluded "this fun run's not so fun."
Zadie was a trooper and seemed to enjoy it for most of the time. 
A little teamwork helped them both get a few extra laps. 

Fun in the Rain

The girls had been waiting for a chance to use their birthday umbrellas. They didn't disappoint. 




Sunday, November 6, 2016