Sunday, October 30, 2016

Trunk Or Treat

We went to a Trunk or Treat with Awana where they had lots of fun games, bounce houses, came walks, and horseback riding. Zadie told us it was her first time horse back riding. When we told her she had gone at Spring Break she said, "no, I just sat on the horse that time. This time I rode it." Being a 4-year-old is bringing on all sorts of bravery for this girl. 





Carving Pumpkins

We've had an especially warm October, so we thought it would be best to wait on carving pumpkins until much closer to Halloween to minimize rotting. 






Monday, October 17, 2016

Go TeeTocks!

Anytime this girl sees football on the television she yells "Go TeeTocks" and insists on wearing a "jersey" as opposed to just a Seahawks "t-shirt." She marches to the beat of her own drum, but makes sure everyone hears that drum and clears the path for her. She continues to be "la jefa."
If we knew what on earth she was thinking we would try to intervene. 

Making Hair

My little ESL child loves to "make your hair" anytime she gets a chance. The other day she told me she learned a new hairstyle on YouTube and it looks like a lollipop. Here's her attempt at it:
Other days she feels more inspired by just using lots of accessories. 

Here is a sideways lollipop.
And then there are nights when the head gets divided into two, or even three, sections so that all can enjoy the fun. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Just Another Weekend

The littlest spiked a pretty nasty fever late Friday night and was up off and on throughout the night. After a morning of whining about "poo poo toilet," but vocally refusing to try, and 2 blowout diapers her mood and fever improved throughout the day. We celebrated Annie's 4th birthday, read some books, took naps, went shopping for new shoes and Halloween costumes, and got Zadie's first big haircut. It was a pretty typical Saturday. 




Ballet buddies

The girls always say they are each other's best friend, but it is never quite so evident as in ballet. They sit next to each other, answer for each other, call each other from across the floor, and save scarves for each other so that they match. Perhaps it's a small glimpse into why we typically separate twins at school. 


How to make a Piñata

First, you tear your newspaper into strips. 
Then, you mix some flour and water to make a paste for paper mache. 
Stick the newspaper on the balloons with the paste. This can be messy. 




After a several layers and days of drying, you can decorate it as you choose. 




Best Face Ever