Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tower Girl

This girl loves to build towers--always has. She built this all by herself tonight. It was her first triangular design, and proved successful. Perhaps the most impressive part is that the top 3 levels were made by joining 2 shorter pieces because the longer pieces were all used. 

3 Little Pumpkins

Despite some rainstorms and sick humidity we spent enough time at the Arboreteum to get some good pumpkin pictures. 

Gwendolyn was not a fan of wet pumpkins.  



We have graduated from "tiny tutus" to "beginning ballet."

Flower Girls Part 2

The big girls got to be flower girls in Jesse and Rebecca's wedding. They were super excited and counted down the days. We practiced several times and several scenarios. Lia made it all the way to the front, and even gave Jesse a high five. Zadie got a little scared by the crowd, and only made it as far as the people. Both were cute and loved the event. 



Caramel Apples

The Jensen girls are not fans of caramel apples. I guess it's too much work to enjoy the taste. They were easily frustrated by the stickiness and the difficulty in wrapping your teeth all the around the sticky apple...and eventually gave up. 


The big girls enjoyed posing for a picture for their birthday invitation this year.