Saturday, August 13, 2016

Movie Night

These two are pretty committed to snuggling each other for movie night. 

Dressing Up

Slumber Party

Gwendolyn's Best Friend

Wendy and Diego have been Facetiming almost every day for most of her life. Last summer she gave him a bloody nose, but this year she is completely attached and pals around with him whenever she has the chance. 

Beat the Heat


"Gwendolyn, did you bite your sister?"

Reading Rainbow Room

We made a sign to finish our Reading Rainbow Room. It's nice and cozy. 

Summer Nights

Watering trees quickly turned into an outdoor shower. 

Best Buds

When It Seems Too Quiet...

...she is either washing her hands or applying lotion to her entire body. I suppose it could be a lot worse. 

Ice Cream Cones

This girl can't eat oatmeal without getting it all over her body, but eats an ice cream cone like a champ. 

Hair Dressers

Gwendolyn has picked up on Zadie's favorite evening activity--doing Mama's hair. No complaints from Mama. 

Weekend Apart

Mama and Daddy spent a weekend in New York while we hung out with G-ma. They walked over 40 miles, saw a lot of different attractions, and ate very well. 
Meanwhile, we had our own fun. 


Mama told us we couldn't get in Annie and Levi's "pool." We followed her instructions, but needed to cool off a bit. 


After we got back to Texas, Daddy left town for work at the New York Public Library. Mama had promised us "Nagamaki," so we had a fun night out with just the girls and G-ma. 

Back to Texas

We have 3 girls who are pretty good at traveling. These girls get the routine. 

Silver Falls BBQ

We had all the cousins together for a big picnic up at Silver Creek Falls. The kids had a great time running around, eating, and then we all went for a hike underneath the falls.