Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ordinary Oregon Stuff

Here's a quick rundown of the fun we have at G-ma and Papa's house. 

Driving the 4-wheeler...


Picking flowers...

Playing football...

Finding Dory...
Cuddling cousins...
More swinging...

Throwing rice...err playing in the rice table.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Break

After an evening of scrambling to iron out some twists in our plans, we left the house at 4:15 for a morning of flying. 

The girls are pretty good travelers and love playing on iPads in airplanes. 

Mama was excited when Gwendolyn fell asleep during the take off of our 2nd flight. 
...and then Z joined the snooze party. 
They both woke up within 30 minutes, but we'll take what we can get. Lia crashed during the landing and she didn't wake up until we were halfway through the airport. 

Hasta Luego

We promised to send Adriana lots of messages and pictures while we're in Oregon. We'll miss her lots!


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Natalia's Party

We had fun at Natalia's party, complete with a donut contest, pin the tail on the donkey, and balloon popping. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Pass the Ice Cream!

Gwendolyn was not loving our dessert idea of taking a bight of ice cream and then passing it around the table. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


"I'm a pirate!" (She says while she has spatula covering one eye). 
Mama- Lia, you have been such a good girl tonight. What has gotten into you?
Lia- God.
Lia- You're being loud, Daddy.
Daddy- Hi, Pot. I'm kettle. You're black. 
Lia- I'm not black, daddy. Adriana's black. I'm golden. 

Pool Time

Saturday, June 4, 2016



This little weasel has leaned that if she yells "potty" and grabs at her diaper, she gets immediate positive attention on the toilet. She's so proud (yet unsuccessful). 

When Daddy's gone...

...we keep Mama warm at night if we've been good girls. 

Hodge Podge 2016

The weather threatened to dump and storm on us all mornings, but thankfully we were able to enjoy a fun and tiring Hodge Podge.