Sunday, March 27, 2016

Egg Hunt

We went to an egg hunt with some friends yesterday. Then we went to their noise for dinner and a quick (and chilly) swim. The girls were super brave and went pretty much on their own. 



Why wouldn't you ride scooters in Cinderella and Elsa dresses?

Friday, March 25, 2016

Texas Tulips

Well, these tulip fields are pretty skimpy compared to the ones in Skagit Valley, but the girls still enjoyed tromping through the mud and picking at the tulips. 
She even looks like pure mischief in photos. 

Grand Prix

We had the Awana Grand Prix on Wednesday night, which involved the girls creating race cars. When it comes to special projects, our philosophy is to let the girls complete it as independently as possible. Needless to say, their cars looked much like the block of wood we were provided, with the 4 wheels from the kit hammered into the little notches on the side of the block of wood. Of course they painted them and added lots of glitter. The only part with which they wanted our help was to help make their names in glue so they could add the appropriate glitter. 

When we arrived at Awana, we were a little shocked to find a "weigh in" station, and discovered that Lia's car was .4 pounds too heavy. The judges helped us out by drilling some holes in it so that we could race at the proper weight. 

The races then began, racing 3 cars at a time for what seemed like 10 trials each. Our cars didn't even cross the finish line because we apparently didn't properly apply graphite to our wheels so that they would keep spinning all the way down the track. Oh well, we left our mark with lots of glitter all over the track, and the girls were proud of their ribbons. 


Who needs a lollipop when Adriana makes us mangos?!

I Like Books

Monday, March 21, 2016

Like Her Mother

We went for a walk the other day, and it was cold outside. Lia clearly has her mother's temperature issues. 
Meanwhile, its a lot of fun to have 3 girls who are big enough to manage the slides almost independently. 

Face Painting

The girls were completely bummed that the face painting line at the Arboretum was hours long, and their mean Mama wouldn't pay for face painting at the circus. Thankfully, we have a friend who saved the day and came to our house to paint faces. Lia was a rainbow cat, and Zadie was a rainbow horse. They couldn't stop staring at themselves in the mirror. 


This little nugget did a great job at her 15 month check up. She's big in every area (between the 97th-99th percentiles in height, weight, and head size). She does all the things a 15-month old should do--talking, signing, walking, climbing, and then some. She is incredibly vocal around the house, bossing everyone and making her opinions crystal clear. She'll grab your hand, take you to the fridge, and then point and grunt at what she wants. While her oral language is not sophisticated, the girl knows exactly how to communicate her wants and needs--screaming, pointing, going stiff or flopping her body around, and several other obnoxious methods for getting attention. Thankfully, she's equally animated with her excitement and will shriek with joy when you bring a blanket to her or one of her bedtime books. We love our little Wendy. 


While it may seem like we live in a circus most days, we had a chance to take the girls to a traveling circus just a couple minutes from our house. Circuses are definitely weird, but the girls enjoyed the entertainment. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Horsing Around

We went to a friend's house to visit their horses today. As expected, Lia popped right up on the horse named Dolly and went for a walk. As expected, Zadie preferred watching while riding a barrel instead. After watching Gwendolyn sit on the horse, Zadie decided she could just get on for long enough so Daddy could see a picture of her up there. She was proud as could be, but did not want Dolly to move. 

We ended our day with a trip to Hokey Pokey Chicken...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Easter Trouble

This little nugget made it Easter explode at our house today. The girls are all into frolicking around with their Easter baskets lately. The littlest insists on being included. 

Dallas Blooms

Who knew Texas could muster up so many tulips?

Wedding Dresses

The girls were excited to wear their wedding dresses, just like Toto (aka last year's Easter dresses). Zadie said she looks just like a Kindergartner. 

Not sure how Lia always manages to be the cleanest painter, but messiest at everything else.