Sunday, February 21, 2016

Valentime's Day

These girls have been dying to open their Valentine boxes. Lia keeps asking if we can sing ValentiMe's songs. She has settled with the L-O-V-E song that both big girls have completely mastered. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ballet Birthday

We have officially been in ballet classes for one year now. 

And this little bit wants her then desperately. 
After ballet, we ran some errands. Little stinker was all about the kisses. 

Beth Marie's

A little pre-Valentine's date. 

Another Bruise

This girl always has a bruise or a scrape. This particular one came when she was sitting on Zadie's lap in the stroller, we hit a bump, and she flew out only to land on her forehead.

Max's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday, Max! 

This little one was the star of the party. She was famous before we arrived, and everyone doted over her--though she wouldn't let Adriana put her down. 

Daddy's School

Our first UNT basketball game. Go Mean Green!


We had a week of sickness around our house. Lots of fevers, nasty coughs, crabbiness, and snuggly girls.


These girls know how to have fun and play hard. 

Visiting Mama's School

One of these things is not like the other...

Little miss tagged along in Natalia's class.