Thursday, January 28, 2016

Aprons/Princess Dresses

Lia wanted to put her apron from G-ma on like a princess dress so that she could twirl in it. This apparently meant she had to remove her clothes and wear it like a dress. Once she got it on she examined it and noted, "You can almost see my panties." Gwendolyn liked hers as more of a traditional apron. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kitchen Buddies

These 2 girls made special Valentine treats all by themselves--unwrapped the Hugs, laid out the pretzels, and stacked it all together. 
This girl likes to eat we have resorted to dying yogurt and using it as paint. Now she just devours it and forgets the paper. 

Ballerina Baby

After watching her sisters in ballet for almost an entire year, Gwendolyn wanted to choose a dot and sit with the big girls so badly today. 

Copy Cat

Little Miss G copies EVERYTHING her big sisters do. Here we have Lia blowing bubbles in the tub, so Gwendolyn gave it a try as well. 

Catching up on January

January always seen to fly by. We get back in routines, eat soup, watch football, and enjoy time at home. 

We enjoyed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a trip to the eye doctor. Both girls have great vision, but Lia has a "Duane's Syndrome," which causes her right eye to not track to the periphery. Thankfully, she's learned to accommodate effectively so their are no vision issues caused by it at this time. In the meantime, we had a great day being out and about with our three little goofballs. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Heading Back to Texas

Well, snow arrived in Salem. It wasn't much, but it made for slick roads and changes in plans. 
Our last day in Oregon was spent reading  books...
...playing with cousins...
...and getting a first haircut. 

We had to leave early for the airport due to the nasty road conditions, but we made it without a problem and with plenty of time to walk the airport. 
The big girls are pros at flying and soak up all their iPad time. The littlest nugget prefers to not to sleep on airplanes, so she just keeps us all very busy. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year at the Beach

We rung in the new year with lovely (albeit cold) weather at the beach. 

Seattle Christmas

As if these girls haven't had enough celebrations, we headed to Seattle for our final Christmas. 

Baby woke up with a case of the spots. 
Somebody was jealous of watching the big girls use the fireplaces as stages, so she crawled up and sang away.