Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day of School

We went out for lunch, cheesecake, and new dresses for our last day before school started. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Garden Girls

Z needed to get her scissors so that she could help Mama get some basil. She sprayed her skirt with the hose, so decided to ditch her skirt. 

Lia's showing off her green thumb as well. 

Summer Fun

Can I be like the big girls?
We love playing outside even if it is hot. 

Adriana's the best 

Friday, August 21, 2015

8 Months

This little girl couldn't be much more animated and happy--unless you don't give her what she wants. She still just rolls and reaches for things a lot without really crawling anywhere. She has 4 big teeth and loves to use them with her solid foods.  

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Bouncing Our Energy

After an absolute meltdown, Lia decided the bounce house would be fun. Once she got over her apparent fear, she bounced her heart out. Who knew we'd have to coax little miss daredevil into a bounce house?


I love to eat big girl foods--all of them. 

Swimming with G-ma

Mama got sick his afternoon, but she had promised to take us to the pool. We were pretty excited to get a good swim. 

Kinder Ready

We got to stay at school with Mama and Adriana during Kinder Camp while Natalia practiced being a kindergartener. We had fun practicing the right way to walk in the halls. 

Sweet Reunion

It was so much fun to see ToTo and Matt while they were in town visiting. We spent the evening together eating, playing, and laughing. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Straight Sas

Billy Stories

Billy stories have become infamous in our house as G-ma invented them to be ridiculously boring so that they would make everyone fall asleep. Needless to say, the girls love Billy stories. 

This afternoon in the car Lia says: "I'm going to tell a Billy story. Once upon a time there was Billy who have red hair, blue eyes, and freckles on his face. Now close your eyes and go to sleep and shut your mouth."

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Ahh Burrito

We decided to take advantage of the last free Friday of the summer and head to the Dallas Arboreteum- as the girls say, the Ah Burrito. 

Gwendolyn's latest round of teeth have brought some fussiness, and the heat didn't really help matters. Nonetheless, she was a good sport and tried to enjoy herself as much as possible.

Sleep girl.