Saturday, May 30, 2015

Toddler Coversations

K- How many steps do you think I walked today?
Z- 3 (holding up 3 fingers)
L- 2 
K- 14,000

K- Lo, you've been having a rough night. If you want to watch a movie tonight should you be obedient or disobedient?
L- Disobedient

K- What movie should we watch tonight? Do you want to watch Monster's University?
Z- (very excitedly) Lia! Do you want to watch Monster's University?!
L- yeah!

K/P- Guess what!
L or Z- What?!
K/P- I love you!!
L/Z- guess what!
K/P- what?!
L/Z- (dramatic pause) Hazelnut!
(When we say hazelnut to Lia, she responds, "ahhh, you got me!"

L/Z- bout the bass, bout the bass...don't trouble.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

We Love our Walks

Looks like we are growing into some new arrangements for our walks these days. 


Saturday, May 16, 2015

We Went For A Walk...

Lia ran our entire evening stroll (probably close to a mile). Zadie dawdled and ended up like this. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dreaming of Dancing?

We frequently find Zadie turned sideways in her bed and wonder how on earth she manages to keep from falling. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

We had lots of fun with G-Ma for Mother's Day. Daddy surprised Mama with new dresses for all of us girls so that we could go have our pictures taken at the Dallas Arboreteum. It was one of the stormiest weekends we have ever seen in our lives, but it held out for one hour while we had our pictures taken. 

On Sunday we went to church and Gwendolyn was dedicated. We then had a delicious brunch at Ziziki, and took naps in the afternoon in the midst of a tornado watch where the guys on the news kept saying, "it's heading right through Denton!" Mama out Gwendolyn in the bathtub to sleep, but the rest of us just stayed put while waiting to see if there really was a tornado. We never saw or felt one, but there was a lot of wind and rain. Fun stuff. 

Lia was very excited about telling Mama and G-Ma "happy Mother's Day" throughout the day. Sweet baby girls. 


We ❤️ Adriana

3 Girlies

It's not easy getting all 3 girls into a picture at one time. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Little Mirrors

While playing with play dough...
L- You go sit by yourself. 
P (making dinner)- whoa...quit bossing. You don't tell anyone to sit by themselves. Who are you talking to?
L- (holding a tiny piece of play dough) I talking to my snake. He being naughty.(turns back to the tiny bit of dough) You pologize! 

Fiesta of Learning

We got to school with Mama one evening for the Fiest of Learning. It was a lot of fun dancing with the Msriachi, watching the dancers, and visiting the different activities in each room. Adriana even bought us paletas!

Friday Nights

Evening Strolls

Tu Tu Tuesday


Pretend Play

Watching the girls interact gets more fun daily. This evening Z and L pretended to be in ballet class. As a part of their pretend, one would tell the other, "sit on the red line. When I touch your head, you go leap over the mud puddle." They had the best time taking turns being the teacher and the students. At one point L said "go" but forgot to tap Z's head. Z got up and started her run, when L all but tackled her, telling her she had to tap her head. They keep us laughing.