Monday, April 27, 2015

Spring Fun

We've had fun playing outside in all sorts of Spring weather. 

Explosive Baby

There's a lot of force bottled up in this little girl. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4 months

The little stinker is 4 months. She weighs 16 lbs (84%ile), is 27 inches long (99%ile), and has a big head (94%ile). She tries to sit up, can sometimes roll from front to back, loves standing on our laps, and loves playing with her sisters--laughs at them a lot. She still screams in the car a lot and still demands to be held facing forward all the time. She gets more  fun each week and typically sleeps from 9:30-5:00ish. We all love her lots. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Toddler Talk

It has been a lot of fun to listen to the Z and L as their language has developed--and as they've acquired more Spanish. They know most letters and sounds (thanks to Letter Factory while Mama pumps). They can sing many songs--Doe a Deer, Edelweiss, Jesus Loves Me, My God is so Great, Little White Duck, Uptown Funk, etc. Zadie is working out pronouns still--everyone is a "he." They really like to mimic anything Mama or Daddy say. Yesterday, Mama told Lia to "hold on and stop grabbing the phone." Zadie then followed up, "Lia, you're gonna have to hold on and wait for Mama." Needless to say, we speak mostly in full sentences now, but still have lots of fun 2 year old errors. 

They also have all sorts of speech articulation errors--all normal for 2 year olds. We occasionally correct and over annunciate the sounds, "not lellow, yuh yuh yellow; not yeth, yeSSS, etc." At dinner Lia corrected Zadie saying, "Not lellow, sss sss yellow." Gotta love the over generalizing. 

The other day we were going down for naps, and Lia was very concerned with the "hair" that was hanging from her ceiling. Lo and behold, there was a small spider web hanging down. They both hate bugs. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


We all had a cold this year for Easter. It seems that is often the case. Nonetheless, Nana and Grandpa came and we had a good time getting ice cream on the Square, eating at Babe's, going to ballet, leaving carrots for the Easter bunny, finding Easter eggs, and, of course, celebrating the Resurrection.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Talking with her Sister

Walks with Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn likes to be held facing forward all the time. On this particular day, we took a walk to the "school playground," and Mama heard and felt a big rumble, followed immediately by the sound of a splatter on the sidewalk. Baby girl managed to poop out of her diaper, on her mama's shoe, and all over the ground--without getting any on her Mama. We got to the playground and realized we didn't have a fresh diaper or change of clothes. All we had was a pair of panties for the big girls, so Gwendolyn got to wear Minnie Mouse panties for the walk home. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter eggs

This was year number two of the girls dying Easter eggs. Last year they mostly just watched in amazement, while this year they got quite a kick out of placing the eggs on different colors and not-so-patiently waiting to see them change color. Of course, Lia was much more aggressive in her egg dropping, but we made it through with no major spills, colored eggs, and happy girls.