Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Day

We opened our stockings from Santa on Christmas morning. We were happy to see that Santa remembered our rainbow tutus and Christmas hashbrowns. Zadie also said Santa remembered that she wanted a wand (?!). After stockings we ate, watched bits of White Christmas, and played quietly until the cousins arrived. We then opened more presents--hooray for Rainbow Dash--and ate some more. 

Christmas Eve

Auntie Katie gave us a pottery painting experience for Christmas. 
Lia's mug has lots of "lipstick" on it. 
Then we had lots of cousins over for dinner and a gift exchange. 
We also made reindeer food so that Santa's reindeer could fly. 

Candlelight Service

I distinctly remember sitting through our candlelight service last year with a 9-day-old baby, a bit worried we would burn the place down. Here's our 2 big girls holding their own candles this year--and I'm still worried we might burn the place down. 

The flash ruined the moment. 

Christmas Evenings

Well, at least someone fell asleep watching a Christmas movie. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Both girls wanted a "long trim" from Auntie Jess so that their hair would get longer and more beautiful. Miracles. 

Carousel at Christmas

With lots of rain, we've had a tough time getting outside with the girls in Oregon, but the Carousel is always a favorite. 


We had some fun dressing up today. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter One-derland

Gwendolyn and Hallie had a joint birthday party since they're just 3 days apart. It was a lot of fun. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Flying to Oregon

Flying with 3 little ones is no small feat. We like to fancy ourselves as experts by now, but Gwendolyn is a handful for even the most seasoned of travelers. The girl does not like to hold still and only slept for 30 minutes. We all survived. 

A Girl and Her Dog

As much ire as Bruchi creates in us all, these girls sure love him and love cuddling him.