Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Naps

Sometimes the girls need a little help calming down on Sunday afternoons. It just so happens that a comfy couch and Sunday football works well when it comes to getting them to fall back asleep--and we kind of enjoy it as well. :)

Carving Pumpkins

We carved pumpkins with/for the girls tonight. We both thought Lia would be excited by the mess of scooping out the pulp and seeds, neither girl wanted anything to do with the goop inside the pumpkin. It took a lot to even coax them to hold and plant a single pumpkin seed. We'll see if they like eating the roared seeds tomorrow. Nonetheless, they were fascinated by how we pulled the little pieces out for eyes, a nose, and a mouth. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Growing Bellies

Carrying one baby is no walk in the park, but it is much easier than carrying two. These pictures make it obvious why. 

Baking With Mama

After the pumpkin patch we had a hankering for pumpkin muffins. One little girl woke up early from her nap, so she helped Mama with every step of the baking. 

"Pumpkin Hatch"

I'm Last year we visited a popular "pumpkin patch" in the DFW area. We should have known that it wasn't much of a pumpkin patch when we were driving through the middle of town as came across it. None these, they had a hayride, lots of wooden cutouts for photo opps, food booths, and other fun fall festival-like events. While it may have many fun things, we were expecting a semi-muddy field with pumpkins on vines, where you wander about to find the perfect pumpkin. Apparently, pumpkins don't really grow much in Texas so a pumpkin patch is actually a grassy field with pre-picked pumpkins laid out nicely and tagged for pricing. Needless to say, we had a fine experience last year, but we were hoping for something a bit less crowded and commercialized this year--so that we could get some decent photos without dodging the other 500 people in the field. 

This year we opted to go for a much calmer experience. We headed out early on a dreary (Fallish) Saturday morning and went only about a mile down the road to a local church fundraiser where they have pumpkins scattered about a field and several random bails of straw for photo opps. We were the only people there so the girls had fun and we got several decent shots. 


We had two cooperative girls for some backyard photos before visiting the pumpkin patch on Saturday. Such happy ladies!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Spaghetti Nights

On Thursdays Daddy has to teach late, so Mama makes it spaghetti night. She's teaching us how to suck the spaghetti up between our lips. Yum!


Anytime we even mention the word "school" the girls immediately say, "Harper, Addy." They enjoy their days with their friends. 

Mastering the Art

Lia has mastered the art of going potty outside. Well, on this particular night she said "potty" and then surprised us all with a good poop. 

I Spy!

One of our favorite games to play in the evenings...

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

We brought some special Mama Pita and cake home for Daddy's birthday. It was a little bit confusing at first for us to sing Happy Birthday to someone other than ourselves, but we had a lot of fun celebrating for Daddy. 

Fall weather?

We had a brief tease of Fall weather shortly after our birthday. It was fun to wear long pants and get to play outside without sweating.