Sunday, August 31, 2014


These two girls inherited their mother's affinity for frozen yogurt. Yum!

Taking turns

Perhaps our favorite phrase the girls have is "ZZ's turn" and "Lia's turn." They have mastered this concept for many activities, but especially for riding and pushing each other on the bike. 

IKEA shenanigans

We Love Boots

Objects of their Imagination

I have no idea what possessed the girls to pull their duck and sheep out of their room and set them in the kitchen chairs, but I do feel bad for poor baby Gwendolyn. She is going to spend a lot of time humoring the imaginations of her big sisters. 

"The Man" at the Playground

The girls have had a great time visiting the playground everyday with G-Ma lately. However, each day when they tell us about the playground they have to let us know about "the man." There is a man in our neighborhood who dresses in a long white dress--a shawarkami or some other middle eastern attire. He also wears a "pink hat" (turban), and has a "barba" (beard). The girls were initially petrified of him and clung to G-Ma, but they have gradually warmed up to "the man" and speak of him with a bit less fear. He tries to speak with them, but his English is quite limited--as is theirs. 

Our New Kitchen

The girls got a new kitchen a few weeks early for their 2nd birthday. They love cooking and baking as they narrate how everything is "hot."

Brushing Teeth

We walked into the bathroom one day to find Lia "washing her hands."

School Girl

She's got to be be cutest toddler ready for learning. Her outfit is completed with  "Pete Cat," "pack pack," and her "abacus."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shopper Girl

Lia has thoroughly enjoyed her first experiences of the Norstrom Anniversary sale. 

Baby #3

We were pleasantly surprised this last spring when we realized that Zadie and Lia were going to be big sisters. While 3 kids under the age of 3 will definitely be a challenge, we can't wait to meet little Miss Gwendolyn in December. Here are her first decent photos. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer Summary

We had a few extra pictures on our cameras that we had to squeeze into the blog. As it turns out they do a pretty good job of summarizing our summer: family, beaches, kites, snuggles, and lots of fun.