Thursday, July 24, 2014


We loved riding the carousel this year. At the end of the ride both girls immediately asked for more. Lia loved waving at G-Ma and Grammy on her way around each time. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Enchanted Forest

We went to Enchanted Forest with all our cousins. The caves and tunnels were a little bit scary, but we loved the slides, the theater, and all the running up and down hills. 

We Love Boots

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bye Bye Beach

We spent our final weekend at the beach with Nana and Grandpa. Both girls were as sad as an almost-2-year-old can express about leaving. Lia was very upset when she had to get out of the ocean one afternoon and kept crying "no bye bye beach."

We blew a glass float.

ZZ needed to go potty, but didn't like the pathetic public bathroom.

Even after assuming the potty position, she just couldn't dare contaminate the ocean.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Family Barbecue

We went to a barbecue with all our cousins a few nights ago. We had hot dogs (one of our favorite all time foods) and smores. Zadie taught her cousins not to leave their food sitting on the table, as Audrey came running back from the swings only to ask what happened to her hot dog. Meanwhile, there sits Z chomping away ever so innocently on her 3rd hot dog of the evening. 
We had a quick photo shoot with all the grandkids.

We loved swinging on the big girl swings.

Lia dared climb the cargo net, while Zadie preferred keeping 2 feet on the ground.

We had lots of helpers to keep us busy.

Lia shocked us all with her scooter moves. She's a natural.

Zadie didn't let her baby sister show her up.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Grammy came for a visit. While we may have been a little shy at first, we warmed up to her right away and loved entertaining "Gammy." We showed her all our favorite things to do.

We picked some berries for Grammy (okay, maybe she picked them for us).

Grammy is a good bubble blower.

She even taught us some dances.

Mostly, we liked rocking with her.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lia's Selfies

This girl is a ham.

Funny Faces

Zadie has now learned how to press her face against the door to make silly faces at us, and Lia still loves hats.

Mt. Angel Parade

On the morning of the 4th, we went to watch the Mt. Angel Parade with our cousins. Our cousins thought it was pretty cool that we'd give them all our candy since we couldn't eat most of it. 

Wow! What a difference a year makes.

Auntie Jan and Curt threw us extra candy from their car in the parade.