Saturday, June 28, 2014

Parks and Museums

We got together with all the cousins to go to the park and the Gilbert House.
On our way from the playground to the Gilbert House.

We kind of hated the big chair.
All the cousins on the slide.

We really hated the big chair.

Lia liked feeding the cow.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Berry Pickin'

We picked blueberries, raspberries, and aurora berries at G-Ma and Papa's house. For every one berry that went into the basket, 3 or 4 went into our bellies. We realize that isn't mathematically possible, but that's why our Mama and G-Ma helped us. 

Hunting for the best ones.

Think she likes blueberries?
I think they taste better from G-Ma's carton.

Playing Outside

We love summer. Here are just a few bits of evidence:

Ready for work!

Farmer Z


Bubbles are the best!

Beach Buddies

For the most part, we loved the beach this time. We were a bit timid of the ocean at first, but by the end of our stay, both girls were wading up to their knees in the calmer waters.
Ready for the beach!

Cousin Rhett came to play with us.



Potty Training in Oregon

Our goal is to be completely potty trained before heading back to school in August. We are making great progress, but still have a few accidents each day. We love our books. They pass potty time real quickly. 


Lia has recently become highly interested in the camera on our iPhones. She now says "cheese" and holds the camera out to take pictures of herself. Here are a few goofy shots. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Our Favorite Guy

Daddy's lots of fun!

Fun at the Park



Big girl ready to slide!