Monday, May 12, 2014

Puddle Jumping

We love playing with Harper!

Tell Me You Like My Hat

We have learned that we can put anything on our heads and call it a "hat." We love our hats!
Who needs PE at school?

What else would you do with a flower pot?

You can leave your hat on, Zadie.

Runaway Lia!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Crazy Faces

Poor Lia has been battling a nasty ear infection. She has been down in the dumps for a good 4-5 days, running fevers, and being crabby. We knew she had turned a corner when she have us her silly face.  

I See Duets In Our Future...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Shoe shopping

Lia loves shoes. She was in Heaven at Norstrom Rack as she ripped her shoe and sock off to try on several different styles. We became quite the spectacle. 

Morning snuggles

Lia woke up first this morning and almost immediately called "ZZ." She proceeded to dive out of my arms and into her sister's crib, where she pretended to go "nigh nigh" by laying her head on Zadie's back. They continued playing for another 20 minutes and did not want to leave the bed. Perhaps we're seeing glimpses of our Saturday mornings with sleeping past 7:00!


We've been sick a lot this year, so this handy nebulizer has become a ritual at our house. We think it's pretty fun to go "beethe." It might help that we get to watch Frozen each time we get a treatment. 


Lia has become quite talented at stacking her blocks to make a tower--with some help. The most surprising part is that she does not want to make it crash immediately. She enjoys the crash, but likes to revel in her accomplishment for a few moments first. 

Big girls

It seems that sitting in a big chair by yourself or at a table is some sort of rite of passage. We are very proud of ourselves. 

I climbed up here all by myself!

Text messages from school

We frequently get texts throughout the day with pictures of what the girls have been doing. We always appreciate the reminders that our girls are cute.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Easter Morning

We woke up on Easter morning to find that the Easter bunny left us baskets of goodies and hid our eggs. We had fun finding them all. 

Lia won the contest for "best dressed."

And Zadie takes the cake for "best hair."

Ready for church!


We got smart and bought a $10 bubble blowing machine. Well worth the investment. 

Turning the Tables

Easter Egg Hunt

We had quite the Easter egg hunt at church on Saturday morning. We both got the hang of it quickly and ended up with over 20 eggs each. It won't be long before we strategize to get lots of eggs collectively. 


Hmm...which book should I read this time?

Nana and Grandpa come for a visit

Nana and Grandpa came for an Easter visit. We had a good time showing them all our favorite places to eat and play. 
Lia guided them to Babe's.

Zadie helped them get to church for the Good Friday service.

Sweet Reunion

Our first nanny, Dona Vicki, has returned from Colombia and came to visit us one evening. We immediately warmed up to her despite a 9-month hiatus, and enjoyed reading some books with her.