Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When in Rome...

While we try our best not to be too Texan we caved and had the girls' pictures taken in bluebonnets this Spring. This is what Texans consider to be wildflowers, so we'll embrace it for now. 

Here are our amateur photos:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Our First School Pictures

Words can't express the excitement we displayed when we received these photos from the school. 

Peek a boo

We have two silly girls who love saying "boo!" any time the occasion presents itself. Here we are being cute on the couch. 

Our New Furniture

In an effort to occupy and contain the girls while we work in the backyard we bought a new toddler table. They love climbing in and out, accidentally dropping and retrieving items underneath it, standing on it, and drawing on it. It was a worthwhile investment. 

Table Manners

The girls have become much more independent and strong-willed about eating lately. They get very upset when we spoon-feed them, yet our coordination is still lacking. 

Peanut butter and jelly. 

Black bean soup.

Too much fresh air.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Yard Work

We have been removing a lot of sod in an effort to create a fabulous backyard. The girls insisted on "helping" every time we were outside. 
Z helped with her shovel.

We like sidewalk chalk.

Lia does the heavy lifting.

Nothing quite like rock to keep you entertained.

Nothing Like Good Friends

If one were to follow this blog clear back to its first days, there would be plenty of evidence to support that Stan and Bree are some of our oldest and closest friends--really our first Illinois friends. They were driving down for a cruise out if Galveston, so we got to meet them for dinner. We had a great time catching up--though a eavesdropper never would have known we had spent any time apart. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dressing Up for a Wedding

Two of Daddy's students got married, so we went to the reception wearing our new dresses. We had a good time playing and even stayed clean. 

Can you believe this house?!

Hurry! We're going to be late for the wedding!! It's my favorite song!

Pucker up, Sis!