Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cuteness Fix

These are just a few random pictures of the last few weeks. The girls have been taking turns being sick so it seems one is usually happy and herself while the other is a bit reserved. 

Here's Zadie sporting one of the bows she has acquired from school.

I was a little shocked Lia would even know what to do with a phone like this. I guess she just generally loves all phones. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Zadie's words
Bobo- Bruchi
Bo!- boo!
Up or sometimes Puh
Nana- banana or Nana
Wawa- water
Bye bye
Babay- baby
No (shaking her finger or head)
Mo- more
Uh oh 
Bok bok - chicken sound 
Ho ho ho- anything resembling Santa.
No - nose
Bahbah- Barba (chin) 
Wo Wo- LoLo- Lia
Ot- hot

Lia's words
Boo boo- Bruchi 
No no no!
No mo mah-No more monkeys!
Uh oh 
Oh no!
Nana- banana or nana
Oh neh neh - whoa nelly!
No- nose
Bye bye 
Baaa - sheep sound
booooo- moo
Bok bok- chicken sound
Bah bah- Barba (chin)
Zz- Zadie
Ehmo bk- Elmo book 
I uh oo - I love you. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Recovering from the Runs

We had to stay home on Monday because we had the runs. Daddy was happy to stay home with us for cuddles all day long. He spoiled us. 

Luckily, Tuesday was an ice day and school was canceled so we helped Mama make chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles. We were very good helpers and didn't slow the process down at all. 

Sickness Stinks

Conjunctivitis, double ear infections, RSV,  flu, and now a stomach bug. We have been slammed with sickness for the past few weeks and hope to be on the healing end of it all. We took Lia to the doctor because she had a weepy eye--no fever, sleeping well, playing well, and generally happy. We left with antibiotics for a double ear infection, a nebulizer so she could kick the cough, and eye drops for her conjunctivitis. The doctor thinks she has RSV as well (Z was diagnosed with that a few weeks ago). That same evening Zadie threw up all over her high chair and then repeated a few more times upstairs. Diarrhea then plagued they entire house. We're all on the mend now, but have had a pretty nasty weekend.
Top Ramen makes great comfort food.
Lia now thinks her breathing treatments are pretty great, but she threw an epic fit when we did this in the doctor's office. Perhaps the duck mask makes it a much more enjoyable experience.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fun at "School"

Both girls seem to really enjoy going to their "school" every day. They love their teachers and always get a kick out of the fun activities they do while there.

Go Seahawks!

Despite our parents being too cheap to buy us real Seahawks clothing, we donned our homemade Seahawks gear for the Suoerbowl and looked cute--as always. 


Monday, February 3, 2014


Both girls are really wanting to use spoons to feed themselves. Most days we try to avoid the much messier method of independent feeding. Other days we give in and let them have their hand at feeding themselves. We love lasagna. 

Our Little Valentines