Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Vacation

Most years we have spent Thanksgiving away from the Pacific Northwest, but this year we took advantage of a week off of school to enjoy a much-needed vacation. Mom and Dad enjoyed their first time ever of not having to put us to bed. They went to a football game. 
Mom and Dad went to a football game.

Lia learned to ride a horse.

Zadie read books with Nana.

The weather was lovely!

We played with cousins.

We walked to the beach.

The weather at the beach was AMAZING!

Mom and Dad went on a hike while we stayed back with G-ma and Nana.

Zadie was not happy with wearing hats.

Pumpkin Patch?

We took off work a bit early one Friday afternoon so that we could take the girls to a pumpkin patch in the area without fighting massive crowds. We were a bit surprised to find zero pumpkins actually growing in the "patch." Instead, we found a big field with pumpkins nicely placed throughout to create the image of a pumpkin patch. When we questioned others about any real pumpkin patches in out area, they all just referred to this same pumpkin patch. I guess Texans just think pumpkins are plopped into fields. Nonetheless, we got a few good photos of the girls with fall colors. 

A few November Pics

The girls have been getting more mobile and more interactive with each other over the past several weeks. Besides being sick for about a week before Thanksgiving, they have been very happy little ladies this November. 
Kissy babies.
Preparing to ice skate next year.
Call me Rudolph!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One-Year Photos

The girls were not exactly cooperative for their one-year photo shoot. We got a few good pictures despite their reluctance to smile or separate from Mom and Dad. 

Quick! Look awkward!


Of course both girls have very distinct personalities. While we can make some generalizations about each of them, we also have realized that personalities are still developing so we often get fooled.

Zadie is generally more outgoing and gregarious. She smiles, laughs, and makes a lot of friends. That said, she also  thinks it is quite appropriate to scowl at people from time to time. I guess it gets a good reaction so she goes with it.
Look at me!

Lia, on the other hand is a bit more discerning about who she will trust and give a smile. Once you've earned that trust the girl is an absolute ham and typically is in a great mood. She takes a while to warm up so she gets a bad reputation, but she laughs, jokes, and gives lots of kisses.
Am I cute?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Zazzle's Tongue

90% of Zadie's pictures have a tongue sticking out. She sure loves that tongue--and shares it with us when she gives morning kisses. Yum!
The "I'm trouble" tongue.
The "concentration" tongue.
The "look at me" tongue.
The "smile" tongue.
The "what's my next move" tongue.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


We had every intention of coming up with clever twin Halloween costumes--like salt and pepper, or green eggs and ham. But then October came, we celebrated a 1st birthday, we moved, and we ran out of time and energy. So, here are our cute little animals in their store-bought costumes. 
And just for fun, we wanted to compare them to last year's multiple Halloween costumes. 
Cute babies.
Thing One and Thing Two
Two peas in a pod.
This year's Halloween was a lot more active than last year's. We started the festivities in the morning with a carnival at daycare. The teachers there took lots of fun pictures and we had a great time watching the bigger kids run around from our nice view in the wagon. We even got to eat gummy worms and cupcakes. Zadie ate hers very calmly, starting with the frosting. Lia double-fisted her cupcake and gobbled it up as fast as she could. 

Don't smile.

After daycare we went to Jay and Rhonda's to see everyone and all the fun stuff. We were not too thrilled about the scary old man rocking in their yard or the witch-lady stirring her cauldron. We ended the night back in our neighborhood with just a few stops to visit our neighbors. It was a fun day. 

Rhonda's eyes were kind of scary!