Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baths and Bottoms

We loved our baths in G-ma and Papa's claw foot tub. One night Lia decided she wanted out a little early so we got to ah hide and seek in the tub. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Beach, Part Deux

After the parade, we headed to the beach to meet Nana and Grandpa. Despite Papa's kite debacle, we had a great time on the beach--even Zadie. Last time she was teething and sick, so she hated every moment of the beach. This time she loved it all (except for putting her feet in the ocean). In fact, she wanted to eat the sand so everyone had to keep her from going head first. 

This is the first of many 4th of July Beach pictures.
Zadie loved soaking up the beach.
Digging is fun!
Maybe I'll eat some sand.
Happy girl!

Lia loves that shovel.

See Papa's kite above us?
Beautiful weather at the beach.

Fourth of July Parade

We went up to a friend's house to watch fireworks on the night of the 3rd. G-Ma and Mom kept us in the tummy packs for the entire night, and we were pleased as punch. Zadie fell asleep before the fireworks began, while Lia took in the first few before drifting off. 

On the morning of the 4th, we went to a parade with all the cousins. Everyone scurried after candy while we watched. We may have been hot, needed a nap, and needed to eat, but we were good sports and didn't fuss a bit. 

Here we are with all the cousins, ready to watch the parade.
Audrey sat with us for awhile.
Red, white, and cute?

I look pretty charming here.


We've had a lot of fun with our cousins over the past week. Rhett is just a couple months older than us so he shows off but also waits behind to play with us every now and then.
Rhett played a little rough sometimes.
We had fun at bath time. Rhett is like a wild little fish. 
Uncle Jim took us for a ride through the orchard. 
We also got to go over to our cousin Rhett's house for a little baby swim. Zadie and Rhett had a blast splashing and giggling. Lia partook in the fun at first, but then decided to sit out and work on a tooth in Mama's lap.