Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You Know You're the Parent of Twins When...

...you get stopped at the grocery store at least 8 times as people turn their heads and whisper, coo, or gasp, "twins."
...you can shower and dress in under 5 minutes.
...you have competitions with your spouse to see who can change a diaper faster.
...you strategically volunteer to change one baby's diaper because you know the other one has a nasty one.
...as soon as you get one baby to stop crying, you start moving toward the next one because you know she'll start crying next.
...you ask if there is a twin discount at the grocery store.
...you think mean thoughts about people with one kid when they say that they "never have time" or "haven't slept in so long." Do you know how much time we would have if we only changed one diaper at a time, put one child into a carseat, put one baby down for a nap, or tried to comfort one baby after 4-month-old shots?
...you automatically double the cost of everything when trying to budget.
...you can't put the front seats in the car all the way back because two rear-facing carseats don't fit well in a cars or SUVs.
...strangers gather around your stroller and gawk.
...everyone looks at you and says, "wow, you've got your hands full."
...you feel like a margarita at noon.
...you are out strolling in your double-pink stroller and random people ask you "are they twins?", "are they boys?", and "are you sure they're not identical?"
...you go from paying extra money to the IRS one year to receiving a massive refund the next year--we love dependents!
...you can feed two babies at one time.
...you want to puke when people say, "I have kids just 10 months apart, and that's harder than having twins."
...you can't describe one child's development or symptoms without referencing the other's.
...restaurants seat you in the back corner table---and you still draw a crowd.
...you feed with your eyes closed because you are so tired.
...you go from stress to joy and back again about a thousand times a day.
...you can't imagine loving anything more, and then you look at your other baby and burst.

Do they look like boys?

It only took 8 months to get to this point.

Double the fun!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tooth Count

Lia now has her first two teeth. She has been a very cheerful little teether, never really fussing or drooling excessively. All of a sudden we noticed something sharp--a tooth. Then, a day later, we saw that there were two teeth. Meanwhile, her sister has zero.

Baby Dedication

On our very first Mother's Day we had the girls dedicated. Jeff has been our pastor for the past 8 years in Illinois and now in Texas, so it was special to have him dedicate the girls. This year at Scofield we have had a lot of babies: Betsy started everyone off last May, then Zadie and Lia in September, Caleb in November, Sean & Ethan (twin boys) and Hudson in January, and Grey in February. Needless to say, it was a crowded stage filled with babies being dedicated to serve God.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

7 Months

I seem to be neglecting blog posts lately, and it only becomes worse when I think about all the catching up I should do. So I'll skip the catching up and just start close to where we are now.

A few weeks ago Nana and Grandpa came for the weekend. We enjoyed some meals together and they loved playing with the girls as they are much more animated and fun now. We celebrated their 7-month birthday just after they left.

Both girls love to blow raspberries at us. Many mornings they will wake up talking and making little truck sounds while waiting for us to come get them. Lia is more verbal with her babbling and says a pretty distinctive DaDa. D is about her only consonant sound at this point. Zadie sometimes says Maaaaa when she is crying, but otherwise just makes cute little noises.

Zadie has Lia totally beat when it comes to moving. Zadie likes to cover ground by rolling to get things. Lia much prefers to stay on her back or play sitting up. She almost looks startled when she does roll over. Zadie loves to bounce in the jumperoo. She would bounce all day if if we left her there. Lia likes to bounce, but not with the same energy as her sister.

They are fun little 7-month old girls.