Saturday, April 13, 2013

Typical Evening

Our girls like routine. They know that when we come home each day they get to eat, watch us make dinner, eat their own dinner, and then we read and play upstairs. Evenings are a bit rough for them so we try our best to stick to the routine. Here's a video of K "reading" to Lia.

And another one of the girls "jumping on the bed."

Dona Viki

I snapped a couple pictures of he girls with their beloved nanny. Each day we come home to stories of how they've been and all sorts of natural Columbian home remedies we could use to treat whatever problems they may have. Can't sleep? Cilantro and apples. Dry skin? Papaya. She is a lovely lady who loves the girls dearly and entertains them constantly.

Food Fun

We have been exploring the world of solids with the girls. P made a freezer full of puréed fruits and veggies so that we can just pop a little cube into the microwave for a quick dinner.

Lia, as expected, is much more interested in eating and really kind of enjoys her rice cereal, peas, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. She has recently discovered the fun in making little boat sounds with her lips while she has a mouthful of peas--messy stuff. Zadie has tolerated these foods, but is learning that she can seal those lips to avoid the slimy stuff from entering her mouth. Needless to say, dinner time often brings some very fun expressions.