Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Potty in the Toilet!

Mark the day! At just 1 day before her 5 month birthday, Lia successfully used the toilet. While having her diaper changed this evening, Lia started pooping (adding to an already dirty diaper). We quickly made the transfer to the toilet for her to finish. Sure enough, she continued pooping in the toilet followed by a little tinkle. We had a little celebration, re-diapered her and enjoyed the glimpse into the future.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day

The girls had fun on Valentine's Day with G-Ma. They played on their tummies and got to show G-Ma how strong they are getting with their heads and what good eaters they are. Daddy had to go to a conference in Kentucky so we made him his own valentines.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lia Tells Stories

Lia has become a total chatterbox and will carry on a full conversation with us when she's in the mood. We caught this story on video.