Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We don't lie!

Anyone who has visited our house has witnessed the exuberance of one precocious beagle who seems eager to impress everyone by getting into (and onto) as many things as possible. Feeling truly bad for our dog's transgressions, P and I apologize and explain that most of Bruchi's day is spent sleeping on the couch, that he is really mellow most of the time. I have even been known to tell stories of Bruchi's symphonic range of snoring that often accompanies my long writing sessions during the day. Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. See below. Bruchi, under our Ralph Lauren quilt, konked. 11:00 am, Halloween.

Bruchi, a.k.a. the Love Bandit

Bruchi has had a range of love affairs in his short lifetime, the longest of which has been with my dad's forearm. He has gone through several stuffed ducks, a couple of couch pillows, a couple of beds, and the pattern that seems to recur is this: once I love you, I must destroy you. Because these activities tend to cost us money, time and irritation, P and I have recently attempted to break the cycle by scolding him whenever he begins to love on his, or our, new items. See, for example, the image below taken after a scolding following an attempted love session with his bed. His look to me says, "um, what's the problem exactly? AND why are you photographing this? Victorians!"

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Hound-a-ween(-er)!

Poor Bruchi. In the middle of his Sunday evening siesta on the couch, K & P decided it would be fun to try on his Halloween costume. (Yes, we splurged and bought him a $7.99 costume from Target.)

At first, Bru just thought we were trying to cuddle up with him. But then, once the hot dog was fully fastened on his back, he realized that this was for real. He looked at us with the "what did I do to deserve this?" face.

Finding no sympathy from us, he tried to get out of his outfit by rubbing it on the hallway wall.

When that didn't work, he gave in to the word "cookie" and posed for the camera.

We'll see what sort of trick-or-treating Bru is in for this year....if he doesn't eat his costume in the next 10 days.